ULTIMATE 6.0v 1800mAh NiMh Hump Receiver Battery Pack JR
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ULTIMATE 6.0v 1800mAh NiMh Hump Receiver Battery Pack JR

New 6.0v. 1800mAh Ultimate Racing NiMh Flat Receiver Pack with JR plug. To power the electronics of 1/10th & 1/8th scale nitro race cars, with standard dimensions, the RX-Packs are suitable for most R/C models available on the market that require flat receiver battery packs like Mugen, Associated, etc.

Capacity: 1800mAh
Voltage: 6.0V
Dimensions (mm): 85x30x17
Weight: 115g
Connector: JR plug

€19.90 (tax incl.) €16.45 (tax excl.)
5 1
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